Valentine's Day-2

Valentine's Day

Philanthropy philanthropy love nature,
Let one today.
Come build in the heart of hearts,
Taj with love.
Give it up to my father today,
A rose bud.
Give mom sayatane the apron,
Belly full of flavor.
The day bhaye bhaye barely,
Let us embrace.
Sister give me the head of the pack,
Random hair.
Including his wife, son, daughter,
As more people.
Let today be filled with love
Pour wholeheartedly.
Sad poor orphan,
You see the smiles.
Love was not you dropped out,
Their neighbors.
Animals or the dog,
Love it gets.
That no one is deprived,
Let's hope this is.
Inspired by nature, love,
Put a plant.
Do not get me bisbapreme hand,
Garite tradition.


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