Mama freedom fighters

Mama freedom fighters'

Discounts were sitting at the table reading,
Come to Mama stood beside him,
Sujan Ray?
Achina sitting silently, why?
It seems very worried about that?
Sujan said, perish the background of independence.
Well, Mama, how much do you know about it?
What do you see war?
How old were you then?
Mama said, 'What happened?
Little! Wear shorts!
This is just like torai.
So you did not fight,
Heard the ear.
After all this time forgot,
I did not feel anything.
Mama biltura freedom,
Blessed be! Blessed is he!
He fought with arms
For the motherland.
How is the story of the war,
He said proudly,
Would not you like to hear biltu
Was rife with pride.
Ray yum! This is my sorrow,
The uncle of one of my uncle,
There is no freedom.
Book cetiye uncle said,
Hello, you say?
So what did not fight,
Not a freedom fighter?
I was at the battle field,
But the war's cruel trick.
Otherwise, what do you say so easily,
It was independent.
If you heard my words, O!
You can fill your heart with pride.
The freedom fighters were in the village.
Ebari obari here and there,
They were hiding.
Although I was little!
On the infinite courage,
There was intelligence.
Turn the village and the village,
Emergency Information warrior brothers,
Provides turn.
The villagers fear kampi!
I used the money caladala
Silently, with earnings.
I went to the festival day,
Freedom base.
Cooking rice have in mind,
Tiffin vermicelli bowl.
Listen to say, a matter of
What happened that day!
Gun in the hands of the army,
Bridge was standing.
I'm going to do everything necessary,
Bags of leaves.
Wearing a torn T-shirts and towels,
Over the bridge.
Two soldiers came forward,
I grab hold of the gun,
Ruko Hey! Oh isame Kia?
My soul condemned cage,
Bhayete were killed.
Ata Alas, alas yata,
Learned some Urdu.
How do the cow so.
Oh my lord, O Page!
We are poor! With esako
Oh register passed in cooking rice.
Faith did not understand them.
The mandate, since kholake!
Defeat! I am kiye?
Wearing my gamachakhani
Was once wet.
When they're at,
Kuti Kuti is laughing.
That's good enough, I understand that day,
Oh, I've got the day off.
Then I went over and over,
I suspect not.
Provisions arms too much more,
That the crossing.
Your uncle was not a warrior,
There is still sorrow?
We have something for the country,
Happiness is not able to do it?

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