Bangabandhu Return Day

Bangabandhu Return Day

A particularly memorable day,
The canvas of the mind.
Today is a happy memory,
Floats in front of the eyes.

Thor Thor kampi excitement,
Emotion troubled mind.
Do not know when that will be,
The great turning point.

Bengali children's heroes,
Nayan Moni Bengalis.
When satisfied at the hearing,
His voice heard.

Jayo frequent shouting,
Resound around.
Seven million in the face of the above,
Featured away.

Finally, he came to falls,
Set foot on the ground.
Eye ground is the land of dreams,
My mother's mother.

Millions of people in the crowd,
That can be seen in him.
Heart filled with festive joy,
Ban calls hrdayete.

He stood on the stage that emotion,
Kanthakhani kampila.
I love people watching,
Nico's eyes water stops.

His tears barely countrymen,
Cried happily mind.
January tenth the happy memories,
This is still going on.

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